SPEED/esg Report 2022
Our evolution is reflected in the SPEED/ESG 2022 Sustainability Report. A report that describes under world-class standards the ethical and sustainable way we manage our assets and create real value for all our stakeholders.
Our main results
fatal incidents
0,4 LTIR
lost time injury rate
0,7 TRIR
total recordable injury rate*
*Under guidelines of the International Oil & Gas Producers’ Association – IOGP.
annual revenue from oil and gas sales
50 %
of the executive team are women
100 %
of employees own shares in the company
environmental fines or penalties in our operations
12.1 KG CO2 E/BOE
scope 1 and 2 emissions intensity 34.2 % less than 2021
88 %
of social investment was in rural areas
with an independent female president

Message from Andrés
Welcome to the GeoPark 2022 SPEED/ESG Report, a reflection of our commitment and the genuine and dedicated work of all our employees to continue building the best independent oil and gas exploration and production company in Latin America. 2022 was an extraordinary year for GeoPark in which we celebrated our 20th anniversary and posted record results. With an experienced and renewed executive team, we continued to work on producing the most efficient, reliable and responsible energy for the environment and our neighbors.
Speed integrated value system
Our Value System is called SPEED, an acronym that summarizes our commitment in five critical and related areas: Health and Safety, Prosperity, Employees, Environment and Community Development. SPEED defines success at GeoPark, guides our behavior and has allowed us to attract the best talent, be the partner of choice and the best neighbor, and to work on reducing the environmental footprint of our operations.

Health and Safety
We should all return home safely and in good health.

Act transparently and create long-term economic value to give back to our shareholders and ensure our sustainable growth.

Create a motivating, fair and rewarding work environment, without discrimination and with conditions and opportunities for the development of all our employees, who can participate in the success of the Company and have the opportunity to contribute and grow.

Value our natural resources and make every effort to avoid or reduce the impact of our projects on the environment, and to restore nature through applying new technologies and operating methods.

Community Development
Become the neighbor and partner of choice, based on a sustainable relationship of learning, exchange and mutual benefit with the local communities where we operate.
About this report
The SPEED Integrated Values System is the framework under which we manage the issues prioritized in our ESG materiality. From this framework derives the structure of our Report, which has been organized by dimensions in order to guide our stakeholders in the understanding of our reporting topics.