Our business model
We differentiate ourselves by having the necessary capabilities across the entire spectrum of hydrocarbon exploration and production in Latin America. To always be the best oil and gas operators we must keep managing our assets sustainably, so that we continue to create long-term value for our customers and all our stakeholders.
01 best & smartest oil & gas finders
We use our brain power, experience, creativity and discipline to find and develop new oil and gas reserves, based on the best science, solid economics, and our ability to take the necessary managed risks.
02 cleanest & kindest hydrocarbons
We aim to have the cleanest and kindest hydrocarbons by minimizing the impact of our projects on the environment, to make our operational footprint cleaner and smaller, and to be the neighbor and partner of choice by creating a mutually beneficial relationship with the local communities where we work.
03 safest, lowest cost & most efficient operator
We work opportunely to be the safest, lowest cost producer, with the necessary know-how to profitably drill, produce, transport and sell our oil and gas. We have the drive and creativity to find solutions, overcome obstacles, seize opportunities and achieve results.
04 consistent free cash flow & value delivery
We create consistent stakeholder value through disciplined capital allocation, rigorous and comprehensive risk management, self-funded and flexible work programs, capital and operating cost efficiency, maximizing the value of every barrel, expanding scale, protecting the balance sheet and returning tangible value to our shareholders.
05 commitment & culture
Build a performance-driven and trust-based culture, based on our SPEED Value System, protecting our communities, employees, environment and shareholders to underpin and strengthen our long-term plan for success.
About this report
The SPEED Integrated Values System is the framework under which we manage the issues prioritized in our ESG materiality. From this framework derives the structure of our Report, which has been organized by dimensions in order to guide our stakeholders in the understanding of our reporting topics.